Untidy or Overgrown Areas

Most of the landscaped areas around our properties are owned and maintained by East Lothian Council, and if they are in a poor condition, you should contact the Council’s Landscape and Countryside Department.

Note: For Health & Safety reasons, grass-cutting will not be done in areas where there is dog fouling. If this is a problem it must be dealt with first by contacting the Dog Warden.

If you live in a development that has a factor, or if the land belongs to us, you should contact us about any problems with overgrown grass/shrubs.

You should also contact us if you are not sure if the land is ours or the Council’s. If you have a neighbour who does not look after their garden, leaves items in communal stairs, gardens or bin stores, talk to them and if that doesn’t work, contact your Housing Officer.

Note: Stair and bin store cleaning can only be done if the communal stair and/or bin store is free from household items and rubbish – the cleaners will not pick up rubbish that has been left lying around, and they will not move items to clean under them.

Contact Info

East Lothian Council’s Landscape & Countryside Department

Tel: 01875 824 305

E-mail: landscapeandcountryside@eastlothian.gov.uk

East Lothian Council
