Right to Withhold Rent

If you think we have broken the terms of your tenancy agreement or failed to do anything we promised, you can make a complaint using our Complaints Procedure.

Complaints Procedure

If we have failed to carry out our maintenance obligations under the Scottish Secure Tenancy Agreement, you have the right to withhold your rent until we fulfil our obligations only if:

  • You have notified us of the need for a repair in writing AND
  • We have not done the repair within a reasonable period AND
  • You have made a stage 2 complaint under our Complaints Procedure AND,
  • You have finished the Complaints Procedure and are still dissatisfied AND
  • 3 months have passed since you made the formal complaint.

We strongly advise you to take legal advice if you are considering withholding your rent, as non-payment of rent could result in your home being repossessed.
