Scrutinising Satisfaction with New Build Homes

Our TIG-Scrutiny tenants have chosen to look into satisfaction with new builds this year.

29 May 2023

Elha Sprite Non Gender Magnifying Glass

They will be looking at satisfaction with several past developments, the processes put place to help tenants notify the builder of any defects, and possibly also visit a new build development, if time allows.  They will have the opportunity to look at the process from the tenant’s point of view and make recommendations if they identify anything which we could handle better.

It promises to be an interesting project, and if any tenants would like to dip their toes into tenant engagement, but don’t want to commit to joining the TIG-Panel, this could be a fun introduction.  And if you have been allocated a new build home with us in the last five years, we would love for you to come along and meet with members of TIG-Scrutiny.

This project starts off with a Focus Group meeting in June – if you’d like to attend, please drop an e-mail to, marked ‘FAO Mary Hargreaves’ for more information